Disclosure log

We publish a disclosure log of documents we have released in response to FOI requests.

This is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

All information included in this log is available for public access.

Access to information

Contact our FOI officer for:

  • access to information listed in our disclosure log
  • help with readable formats for information

In general we remove information from this log after 12 months.

Some information may remain on the disclosure log for longer than 12 months if it remains in the public interest.


You may have to reimburse us for the cost of copying the information or sending it to you.

We will not charge you for our time taken to process the original FOI request.

We will notify you of any charges you need to pay.

Charges are payable before we provide the documents.

What we don't publish

We are not required to publish certain types of information. These are defined by the FOI Act.

If it would be considered 'unreasonable' we don't publish:

  • personal information about any person
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner

We also don't publish if it is not practical to modify the information to meet these requirements.


Please contact the FOI Officer:


Freedom of Information Officer
Regional Investment Corporation
PO Box 653, Orange, NSW

Disclosure log

Reference number

Date released to applicant

Request summary

Summary of documents released (in full or part)

Other information



All documents and correspondence relating to the Wyangala dam expansion between 1 July 2018 and 30 June 2020

Nine documents were released in part with deletions under S22(1)(a)(ii), 47F, 4(1) and 47C of the FOI Act

To request access to the material contact foi@ric.gov.au



Copies of RIC's lending criteria/policy

Access refused to 3 documents




1. Total no of drought loan applications received by the RIC and the total loan amount requested by applicants (till closing date 2020) under the earlier terms and conditions (first 2-year interest free followed by low rate of interest).

Point 2 released under administrative access, remainder not released under S24A data not collected in manner requested.
Points 1, 3 and part of 4 subsequently released on 14/7/22 following variation to decision under S55G.

To request access to the material contact foi@ric.gov.au

2. Total no of drought loan applications approved by RIC and its total loan amount.

3. Total no of drought loan applications declined on the basis of non-eligibility and its total requested loan amount.

4. Total no of eligible loan applications declined on the basis of lending criteria assessment including on the basis of applicant not capable of repaying and its total requested loan amount.





Access to the Style Guides/Brand Guides/Writing Guides currently used for the Regional Investment Corporation


RIC Brand Style Guide January 2023 released


To request access to the material contact foi@ric.gov.au

