
We are committed to protecting all personal information we collect.

We collect, hold, use and disclose personal and credit-related personal information to help us provide our services and manage our staff.

Our privacy policy outlines our approach to handling personal information.

You can:

For information about how we handle credit-related information read our Credit Reporting Policy.

Types of personal information we collect

We collect personal information as part of our internal business and our services. This might include:

  • your name, signature, home address, email address, telephone number, date of birth
  • your bank account details, tax file number, superannuation fund details
  • information about your use of loans you take out with us
  • education and employment details (like your salary, job title, referee or background checks)

We may also collect sensitive personal information. Such as criminal record information obtained during business or employment screenings.

How we handle personal information

We will allow you to interact with us anonymously, if possible.

We do need some personal information to handle most enquiries, requests and applications.


We will always try to only collect information we need for a particular function or activity.

We collect personal information from:

  • individuals directly by phone and in electronic and paper forms
  • third parties, like credit reporting bodies, brokers, employers, recruitment agents, accountants and lawyers
  • public sources, like public registers or social media

In rare cases, we might also collect personal information without your consent. For example, where it is part of an investigation of unlawful activity or misconduct.

When we collect your personal information, we will take reasonable steps to:

  • explain our purpose for collecting your information
  • list any people or organisations we would usually disclose this information to
  • ensure that you are aware of these matters


We will take steps to protect the security and confidentiality of personal information.

We store your personal information in secure systems. Our employees and agents must respect the confidentiality of personal information we hold.

When personal information is no longer required, we will destroy it in a secure manner.


We only disclose personal information where it is necessary to undertake our functions.

Parties we disclose personal information to include (but are not limited to):

  • our external service providers and contractors
  • advisers, credit reporting bodies, employers, recruitment agents, referees or identity verification services
  • government entities
  • anyone else where you have provided consent

We enter into contracts with our service providers to protect your personal information. Our service providers can only use your personal information for the role we ask them to perform.

Privacy Impact Assessment Register

Read our Privacy Impact Assessment Register.

Access your personal information

You have the right to:

  • ask for access to personal information we hold about you
  • request updates to personal information we hold about you

Contact our Privacy Officer to access or correct information

We must respond to you within 30 days.

We will:

  • ask you to confirm your identity before completing your request
  • notify you in writing if we refuse your request

If you wish to access other documents we hold, you may be able to make a Freedom of Information request.

Make a complaint

You can make a complaint to us if you are unhappy with the way we have handled your personal information. Make your complaint in writing to our Privacy Officer.

We are committed to reviewing all complaints. We will decide what action we need to take to resolve any issues you raise.

This is made to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority.

Contact us

Contact our Privacy Officer:

Privacy Officer
Regional Investment Corporation
PO Box 653
Orange NSW 2800

Download our privacy policy