Our commitment to you

We are committed to providing loans that support the long-term strength, resilience and profitability of Australian farm businesses.

Our service is impartial, respectful and ethical.

Service standards

We are committed to providing a service that is:

  • Responsive
  • Personable and understanding
  • Consistent and clear
  • Fair and transparent.


Contact us to connect with RIC.

We will answer your questions as quickly as possible.

We will keep you up to date on the status of your application.

Personable and understanding

You will deal with a real person. Our staff understand the needs of farmers and farm-related small businesses.

Our staff understand the needs of regional Australia.

We will respond quickly to new and emerging issues to support the needs of regional Australia.

Consistent and clear

It is easy to find information on our website.

It is easy to get information when you call our contact centre.

Our application and assessment process is consistent across Australia.

Our information and processes are easy to understand.

Fair and transparent

We handle all information carefully to protect your privacy.

We manage all complaints quickly and fairly.

We take an active approach to sharing information with the public, in line with the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act).

We comply with our legislative and regulatory requirements under the Regional Investment Corporation Act 2018 (RIC Act).

Public interest disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 (PID Act) promotes the integrity and accountability of the Commonwealth public sector by creating a framework for facilitating the reporting of suspected wrongdoing and ensuring timely and effective investigation of reports.

The public interest disclosure scheme supplements existing avenues for complaints and investigations, and provides support and protection to persons who make disclosures under the Act.

More information about the public interest disclosure scheme is available from the Commonwealth Ombudsman website.

Making a public interest disclosure

To email your public interest disclosure or request assistance in making a disclosure, contact the RIC’s PID Contact Officer by emailing PID@ric.gov.au.

Alternatively, you can send your public interest disclosure, marked Confidential, to:

Public Interest Disclosure Contact Officer
c/- Regional Investment Corporation
PO Box 653
Orange NSW 2800

Your identity and contact details, as well as the content of your public interest disclosure, will be protected in accordance with the PID Act.

If you wish to remain anonymous this should be clearly stated in your correspondence. If it is necessary to appoint an Investigation Delegate to make further enquiries about your disclosure, your name and contact details will not be disclosed. It should be noted that, in many cases, contacting a discloser to obtain further details or clarification can assist the investigation.

The RIC's Privacy Policy outlines its personal information handling practices, including details on how to access or correct the personal information that we hold about you. It also contains information about how you can contact the department, and how you can make a complaint about a breach of our obligations under the Privacy Act 1988.

Contact us

Contact us if you have any questions.
